Practitioner Training Course


The first edition of our ‘train the trainer’ programme
(September 2019 to June 2020) helped aspiring support professionals become a certified in
Migrant Entrepreneurship support. 

For further information on the 1st edition, as well as on possible future editions, get in touch
with course coordinator Isabella Skrivanek:

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Target audience

 MEA is a train-the-trainer-programme aiming to bridge the gap between entrepreneurship education and practical support programmes. MEA will provide (future) trainers and consultants with a clear and common understanding of migrant entrepreneurship support, business model development, assessment of migrants’ entrepreneurial skills and migrant friendly support schemes.

The target group of MEA are (future & current) trainers,programme managers and consultants in the field of migrant entrepreneurship support.

What is the Migrant entrepreneurship academy?


MEA is a university-level programme for continuing education, accredited by the Danube University in Krems (Austria). Programme graduates will receive 15 ECTS credits and a qualifying graduate certificate based upon completion of all modules and a written practical project report.

Concise schedule

The course schedule is designed to suit academic students and adult learners in full time working positions: It blends traditional classroom learning with flexible e-learning activities. Three face-to-face and three distance learning modules will be held from September 2019 to June 2020.


The three face-to-face modules will take place in three different locations: 3 days in Krems (Austria), 3 days in Berlin (Germany) and 3 days in Warsaw (Poland).

Learn from Experienced Lecturers and trainers

The programme will be delivered by lecturers and trainers with over 10 years of experience in the field of migrant entrepreneurship support; intercultural training delivery; business training; and migration and integration management.

Experiential & interactive

The course content and delivery methods are based on design thinking and lean startup methodologies. The face to face modules will be interactive and will help you build skills through experiential learning.

Meet like-minded practitioners

Participants will experience different ecosystems in the field of Migrant Entrepreneurship Support and will meet practitioners from different backgrounds.

What MEA trainers say about the training

"The Migrant Entrepreneurship Academy is designed as a hands-on, real-world learning and training programme. I look forward to collaborative learning with our participants."
Hanna Wieten, Delitelabs
"SINGA has tons of experience working with migrant entrepreneurs from across Europe. We are proud too share our expertise with future migrant entrepreneurship trainers."
Manuel Güll, SINGA Germany

Why we created the Academy

MAGNET is committed to disseminating the knowledge on Migrant Entrepreneurship Support that already exists across Europe.

There is much expertise in this field: From scientific studies to best practice methods that have been tried and tested. The Migrant Entrepreneurship Academy (MEA) will bring academics and practitioners together in a coherent programme.

Thus, MEA fosters the exchange of information, knowledge, experience and instruments of migrant entrepreneurship support between different support organisations. Participants will have the opportunity to learn from each other and get mutual guidance and advice. MEA bridges the gap between entrepreneurship education and practical support programmes and promotes the transfer of innovative solutions across Europe.

This peer-learning programme is based upon collaboration of higher education institutions and migrant support organisations. The collaboration of higher education institutions, support organisations and other relevant stakeholders from the policy field enhances the capacity of all partners and organisations involved in promoting migrant entrepreneurship. The collaboration of support organisations and higher education bodies leads to a better skills match and transfer of knowledge from science to practice and vice versa.

“This website is part of the project project Migrant Acceleration for Growth – Network for Entrepreneurship Training (MAGNET),(no.764357) which has received funding from the European Union’s COSME Programme (2014-2020).”

“The content of this website represents the views of the authors only and is their sole responsibility; it cannot be considered to  reflect  the  views  of  the  Executive  Agency  for Small  and Medium-sized  Enterprises  or  any  other  body  of  the European Union. The European Commission and the Agency do not accept any responsibility for use that may be made of the information it contains.”

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